Money Back Guarantee

Last Updated: 01/22/2021

At Inscribe.live, we offer a unique full refund policy. You take a chance on us and make an order. If you're not happy with the content you receive, we will provide you with a full refund.

Simply sign up, and request a project. When you receive the completed work, go ahead and review it. If it isn't up to standards, you may request a full refund. The only limitation is that it must be within 14 days upon receival. This refund will be issued according to the payment method that you used when you placed your project.

This allows you to try out our services risk-free. Just remember that if you request a refund, you forfeit any rights to the content you received.

​This refund policy only applies to first-time customers. If you sign up, request a refund and delete your profile, then sign up again – the refunded word count will appear on your personal page. Further, you would be unable to request a refund from your current account.